Contact the school office for more information about the 2024-2025 school year.

Kindergarten Ceremony

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

Weather Make-up Day

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

Should STCS close for inclement weather or other emergencies this day will be held in reserve as a make-up day.

Weather Make-Up Day

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

Should STCS close for inclement weather or other emergencies this day will be held in reserve as a make-up day.

STCS Summer Programs

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

STCS will host the 2nd annual summer program.  This program is for students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.  Students may enroll in 1/2 day or full day program.  Check […]

School Office Closed

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

STCS Front office will be closed for maintenance for the week.

Independence Day

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States