Greetings from Saint Theresa Catholic School, where we strive in all that we do to provide our students an education that combines the wisdom of the classics with a firm foundation in faith and morals. In keeping with our mission, we “strive to form students who have a genuine love of God and the Church and who are prudent, compassionate, kind, courageous, and generous in their service of one another and to others.”
Our faculty and staff are integral to this mission. If you would like to join us in our mission, below is a list of current employment opportunities at Saint Theresa Catholic School.
DIRECTOR OF MUSIC – We are seeking a talented musician who can continue to build on a liturgical music program in a PreK through 8th grade Catholic School. Each class receives music instruction at least three days per week. The Director of Music should be a confident singer; someone who intends to invite and engage the children to participate in the singing at the Mass and to inspire and encourage them to profit by their study of singing. Qualified candidates will hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university in the humanities or related discipline applicable to teaching assignment. This position will require a special commitment to our liturgy, guarding and promoting reverence in our celebration of the Mass. Graduate level study can be very helpful, but an ability to work with the very young is most essential. Excellent organizational skills, conducting skills, and collegiality are also an important part of this position. Successful prior teaching experience is required, and credentials in more than one field are a plus.
Please click below to apply to Job ID #3217 for the Director of Music position at Saint Theresa Catholic School in Sugar Land.
SUBSTITUTE TEACHER – Under the general supervision of the Principal, a substitute is asked to uphold the Catholic culture and classroom procedures as outlined by the teacher. Qualified candidates will posses a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college of university in Elementary Education or related discipline. Successful prior teaching experience for the appropriate grade level a plus.
Please click below to apply to Job ID #1749 for the Substitute Teacher position at Saint Theresa Catholic School in Sugar Land.
Interested applicants should contact Toni Goldak at 281-494-1157 or