Miss Cilicia Duron brings an extensive musical background to STCS. At age six, she joined the Saint Theresa Parish’s children’s choir and sang alongside the school’s choir. She is currently still singing in the adult parish choir where she often cantors and assists playing for various masses. Miss Duron is also an organ intern at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton playing for the vigil Mass at five o’clock.
Miss Duron has studied under various music teachers and professors including Mrs. Susan DeMarco, Mr. Zachary Turner, Dr. Kevin Clarke, Dr. Brady Knapp, and Dr. Jeong-Suk Bae. She has also worked under prominent employers including our very own principal organist Dr. Kevin Clarke and was hired at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton by Dr. Alexis Kutarna where she currently works under Christian Mondragon.
Outside of her music, Miss Duron has previously been involved as a club member and officer at the University of St. Thomas’s largest student-led organization, Celts for Life, a pro-life club promoting the sanctity of life and being a voice for the unborn. She has also dedicated time to volunteer for the Saint Theresa Youth Ministry forming high school students in preparation for confirmation. Miss Duron will be awarded a Bachelor of Arts in Music in December 2024.
Miss Duron’s goal is to assist students in understanding the importance of sacred music in the Church by learning the fundamentals of music as it pertains to the liturgy. Students will continue to learn how to incorporate their faith with the music they create together and to use music to worship God and honor our Mother, Mary.