Each classroom will have a box to collect donated food and toiletry items. Students may bring in items any day from November 8th - November 18th, 2021. The following items are requested: Meat (canned) Tuna Fish (canned) Vegetables (canned) Tomato Sauce (canned) Spaghetti Sauce (canned) Beans (dried and canned) Soup (canned) Fruit (canned) Jelly/Jam Peanut […]
Photos taken of students who were absent on original photo day, October 5, 2021 AND students whose parents indicated that the original photos taken were not satisfactory. Photos must be ordered online in advance of picture day. www.inter-state.com/order Use order code 61996KB. No sibling, class, or House photos at this time. Those photos will be […]
Students will perform music and/or poetry selections for grandparents in the Community Center following 8:30 a.m. Mass at approximately 9:45 a.m. As the entire event will only last approximately one hour, we ask visitors to stay for the entire event rather than leaving after each group performs. All student will return to classrooms after their […]
Students all dismiss at 12:00 p.m. before the Thanksgiving break. No lunch served. In order to avoid a back up of traffic, we will have a staggered dismissal again as this seemed to work well on previous early dismissal days: Families with last names starting with A-J, please join the carpool line at noon or before. Families with last names starting […]
Saint Theresa Catholic School invites you for an evening inside the storybook 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. Enjoy a cocktail hour, buffet dinner, silent auction, music, and friendship while supporting our school.