Saint Theresa Catholic School - Sugar Land
A Classical Catholic School
Contact the school office for more information about the 2024-2025 school year.
All Students will attend Mass together and then will process from the school to the St. Theresa statue, the grotto, and Our Lady of Victory statue before returning to the school. Students are welcome to dress in their favorite Saint costumes. Costumes should be appropriate to the Saint they are representing. No halloween costumes allowed.
STCS will be collecting new socks and gloves of all sizes and genders for the Catholic Daughters' drive. Students may place items in provided containers in the school entrance all week. Help us overflow those containers and provide socks and gloves for those in need!
1st grade students, with their teacher, aide, and parent chaperones, will travel by coach bus to the Houston Downtown Aquarium. Sign-up genius link and permission forms will be sent to families on or before 10/25/2024. Please do not ask to chaperone in advance of the sign-up genius link. All parent chaperones must have safe environment […]
Photos taken of students who missed fall photo day on September 11, 2024. Individual photos only.
St. Theresa Association of Parents (STAP), our parent organization meets monthly in the school Main library.
Hosted by Chrissy Campbell. More info coming soon via email.