Contact the school office for more information about the 2024-2025 school year.

3rd Grade field trip – Houston Space Center

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

3rd grade students, together with their teacher and parent chaperones, will travel by coach bus to Houston Space Center.  Sign-up genius link and permission forms will be sent to families on or before 10/9/2024.  Please do not ask to chaperone in advance of the sign-up genius link.  All parent chaperones must have safe environment training […]

4th grade field trip to George Ranch Historical Park

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

4th grade students, along with their teacher and parent chaperones, will travel by coach bus to George Ranch Historical Park.  Although 4th grade has visited George Ranch in the past, this trip will include new experiences for 4th grade (and up) students.  Sign-up genius link and permission forms will be sent to families on or […]

Middle School House Tournament

Camp Cho-Yeh 2200 S. Washington Ave., Livingston, TX, United States

Middle School Students, househeads (teachers), and parent chaperones will travel by coach bus to Camp Cho-Yeh in Livingston, Texas.  Students will spend the night and compete in physical competitions.  Permission forms and requests for chaperones will be sent at least two weeks in advance of the event.

Vision/Hearing/Spinal Screenings PK – 5th Grades

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

In collaboration with the Catholic Schools Office, the University of St. Thomas School of Nursing provides health screening support, including Vision, Hearing, Spinal, and Acanthosis Nigricans (AN). We are happy to announce that your school was selected for this Fall 2024 semester to receive a visit from the UST School of Nursing on Thursday, October 24, 2024. At this time, there is […]

All Saints Day

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

All Students will attend Mass together and then will process from the school to the St. Theresa statue, the grotto, and Our Lady of Victory statue before returning to the school.  Students are welcome to dress in their favorite Saint costumes.  Costumes should be appropriate to the Saint they are representing.  No halloween costumes allowed.

1st Grade Field Trip to Downtown Aquarium

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

1st grade students, with their teacher, aide, and parent chaperones, will travel by coach bus to the Houston Downtown Aquarium.  Sign-up genius link and permission forms will be sent to families on or before 10/25/2024.  Please do not ask to chaperone in advance of the sign-up genius link.  All parent chaperones must have safe environment […]