Contact the school office for more information about the 2024-2025 school year.

8th Grade Field trip to State Capitol

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

Students and faculty will travel by coach bus to Austin.  Due to the long drive students will leave campus at 7:15 a.m. and will arrive back to campus at approximately 5:00 p.m. (depending on traffic).  Students will tour the State Capitol from 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. then walk to  the Bullock History Museum for […]

School Mass – Students wear dress uniform

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

Students wear Mass (dress) uniform. All students, faculty, and staff will attend Mass each Friday.  The school office will be closed each Friday during Mass times so that we may attend and worship together.  Exceptions to these Friday dates will be made for weeks when Holy days of Obligation fall on another week day, or […]

Gala Set Up

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

Volunteer opportunity, partnership points will be awarded.  Decorating, table and chair set up. Time approx 1:00 p.m. until finished.  Sign ups will be sent out closer to the date of the event. STCS administration respectfully requests no students or younger siblings present during set up to avoid lack of supervision for children and/or lack of […]


St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

STCS' Annual fundraising event.  Join us for dinner, dancing, cash bar and more.  Adult only event.

Gala clean-up

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

Volunteers and school staff will clean up the Community Center following the Christmas Gala.  Partnership points will be awarded.  sign-up genius will be emailed closer to date of event. STCS administration respectfully asks no students or younger siblings present during clean up to avoid lack of supervision for children and/or lack of focus on clean […]

School Mass – Students wear dress uniform

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

Students wear Mass (dress) uniform. All students, faculty, and staff will attend Mass each Friday.  The school office will be closed each Friday during Mass times so that we may attend and worship together.  Exceptions to these Friday dates will be made for weeks when Holy days of Obligation fall on another week day, or […]

Volleyball @ MDUMC

Memorial Drive Methodist 12955 Memorial Drive, Houston, TX, United States

School Mass – Students wear dress uniform

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

Students wear Mass (dress) uniform. All students, faculty, and staff will attend Mass each Friday.  The school office will be closed each Friday during Mass times so that we may attend and worship together.  Exceptions to these Friday dates will be made for weeks when Holy days of Obligation fall on another week day, or […]

House Academic Tournament

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

Grades 5 - 8 will compete in an academic tournament.  Watch for emails and information closer to the event date.

Student Council Sponsored Talent Show

St. Theresa Catholic School 705B St. Theresa Blvd., Sugar Land, TX, United States

Showcase of student talent!  Watch your email for more information.  Time TBD.