Saint Theresa Catholic School - Sugar Land
A Classical Catholic School
Contact the school office for more information about the 2024-2025 school year.
Grandparents and special guests may join the school for Friday Mass and class performances. Class performances will be held in the Community Center immediately following Mass (approximately 9:30 a.m.) This is a fun event for all to watch! Light refreshments served.
STCS administration kindly asks all guests attending performances to remain for ALL performances rather than causing disruption and disheartening other students by leaving after your child(ren) or grandchild(ren) perform(s). The children work very hard on these performances for all families to enjoy together. Total performance times last approximately 1 1/2 – 2 hours.
Students may be dismissed to grandparents following performances provided STCS front office has received prior written permission from a parent. Students cannot leave with family members from the Community Center and must be signed out in the front office following the end of all performances. Most students will remain to watch their classmates perform. Administration will not interrupt performances to remove a child for early dismissal.